Wednesday, August 24, 2005


In theory, I believe that there is no right and wrong in language so long as you are understood. In practice, the eighth letter of the alphabet is my bête noir.

I’ll clear this up once and for all with reference to the dictionary:

“Aitch – the eighth letter of the alphabet.”

What do you notice? Nothing? – Well done. The fact that some moronic dictionary-writer has omitted the initial H? – Strike yourself firmly in the eye with a sharp object.

It is not ‘haitch’. Even writing it makes me sneer and practice stabbing movements with both hands. Of course it’s ‘haitch’, you say. Why wouldn’t it have the letter that it represents at the start? What kind of an argument is that? You mean like W?

Be wrong to your heart’s content, defy the English language whenever you wish. Just don’t get it wrong and think that you’re right. Face it – you spend your whole life dropping Hs from words. That’s fine. Why do you feel the need to suddenly insert one? Are you trying to prove a point? You are doing.


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