Handbags and Gladrags by The Sterephonics

This is the kind of abject shit I started writing this page for. It's not current, but I've just heard it and it's no less annoying the millionth time you hear it.
Who does it appeal to? What is it trying to do? Just what is it trying to achieve?
It's just miserable. It's virtually identical to the Rod Stewart version too. Why did they cover it? Why didn't they just re-release Rod's version and put their stupid, FHM faces on the cover? Just WHAT were they trying to do? Sorry to keep asking that, but I'm driven crazy by incomprehension. Did they literally have nothing else to do? Could they not have just gone and sat in a park and punched themselves in the face for a while?
So many questions, so little point having answers. We should make their lives as miserable as possible so that they ask 'why all the misery?' instead of us. First I'm going to steal all of their pillows from the tour bus. Take that Stereophonics. Try boring me senseless with really bad cricks in your necks.
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