Who takes a bite out of a crisp? Eat the thing. It's not that big. Stupid scared-looking skinny bastards thinking about where to bite into a sandwich next; picking at it and staring at it intently. Eat it!
Some people look like they've never eaten before in their lives. You have to do it every day, you retards. You're biting into a burger. You're actually eating an animal's flesh. Put your fucking back into it. Show some gusto. Show some intent. You don't have to bite off so much that you choke. Just look like you're enjoying yourself. Just look like you're hungry, at least. You are, aren't you?
We should just rip food out of tentative people's hands, knock them to the floor and then devour whatever it was they were toying with, while pinning them down with a foot to their throat. That's how you eat. That's how you have to eat or you'll die out.
Bush isn't like that - I just couldn't find a suitable photo.