Names Of Phones

Has everybody got some sort of operating system installed in place of a brain nowadays? How do they remember the different names? I sometimes get caught near conversations which seem to contain no nouns.
“I’m getting the FD350.”
“No. You don’t want that. You want the DF530. It’s got ‘dinobot’ functionality enabled.”
“The DF530? Are you having a laugh? You’re living in the past.”
The stupid thing is, despite appearing to weigh up technical pros and cons, what the two people in this conversation are actually saying is as follows.
“I’m getting a silver phone.”
“No. Silver looks shit. You should get a black phone.”
“I think black looks shit. I’m getting the silver one.”
I still don’t know how they remember which combination of letters refers to which phone though. I’m going to start talking in binary code to see how they like that.